
In the EUROsociAL library, you'll find the most important publications generated by the programme, as well as others related to social cohesion.

The programme library aims to be a reference that brings together knowledge about social cohesion. In it, you can consult the most important publications in the EUROsociAL collections by areas or countries, and also other important and relevant publications. 

The EUROsociAL editorial line is comprised of the deliverables from the programme activities which, due to their importance and technical quality, are considered worthy of publication in the EUROsociAL collections. The editorial line is comprised of four collections: 

  • Studies Collection
  • Working Documents Collection
  • Policy Documents Collection
  • Sharing EUROsociAL

In addition, the programme sponsors and collaborates in other publications. 

Remarkable documents

Enlaces de interés