Second Programme Meeting
Better quality spending, greater impact on policies
The second phase of EUROsociAL has passed its half-way point and been evaluated with very positive results. The programme is currently maturing and, in addition to having yielded some interesting results, is demonstrating an enormously useful capacity for learning. It employs an approach and a series of instruments that can be used both to support policy dialogue at the highest level and for technical cooperation oriented towards concrete changes in public policies. The First Programme Meeting looked back and served to review the progress made, the maturation of the work methods, and the intervention strategies implemented in different countries. The Second Programme Meeting aims to spotlight the macro intervention areas and, taking advantage of the fact that thematic seminars will be held at the AECID Training Centre in Antigua, hold a joint meeting to reflect on the immediate future of EUROsociAL and what to do to optimise its results, both strategically and operationally, in the final phase of the programme. EUROsociAL has left an important legacy for future Euro-Latin American cooperation programmes, and therefore it is important to consolidate the factors that made it successful.