Colombia improves issuance and consensus processes for tax regulations

In a workshop, EUROsociAL promotes improved processes for issuing and reaching consensus on tax regulations in Colombia

Colombia is currently immersed in a tax reform process. This does not end with the drafting of the laws that modify each of the taxes that make up the system but rather, at the normative level, requires approval of the regulations that develop the new laws, in which, particularly, the organisational aspects of the tax agency must be taken into account.

In this context, the activity had the objective of improving the way tax regulations are issued to achieve an efficient process, and one that ensures the participation of all stakeholders and provides spaces for coordination and review of the process of drafting regulations so that they are the product of proper consensus and governed by appropriate rules.

Specifically, the workshop included, first of all, an analysis of how regulations are produced in Colombia by civil servants working in the DIAN, followed by a presentation of the European experience in similar processes, led by experts from Spain and France, and the Latin American regional experience of Peru and Mexico.

This activity is part of the Reform of Tax Systems action of the Public Finance area of the EUROsociAL Programme, financed by the European Union and coordinated by the FIIAPP, in which Spain's Institute for Tax Studies and the CIAT are acting as operational partners.