The Guatemalan Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) presents its social policy lines

EUROsociAL has carried out expert advising missions to the Guatemalan Ministry of Social Development that have contributed to structuring the Social Policy of Guatemala within the framework of different institutional strengthening activities.

Since the signing of a tri-party memorandum of understanding between the Guatemalan Ministry of Social Development, the United Nations System and the EUROsociAL II cooperation programme of the European Commission to define the country's Social Policy Lines, a process of collectively building the priority action lines in the area of social interventions and investments has been started, taking into account the Law on Social Development and pre-existing National Government Compacts.

International experts Fabián Repetto (Argentina) and Lola Ocón (Nicaragua) were invited by EUROsociAL II to collaborate in definition of the Lines. For its part, the UNS contributed the local technical expertise of José Monsanto and Salomón Cohen. The experts, along with the UNDP and ESII teams, collaborated in the process of drafting the preliminary documents and supported the development of Government Workshops in which the different bodies that intervene in social policy participated.

Lastly, on 9th December 2014, Leonel Rodríguez Lara, the Guatemalan Minister of Social Development, presented the Social Policy Lines Document to the Social Cabinet for validation by his peers. Analysis of this document is planned for January of next year.

Roxana Baldetti, Vice President of the Republic of Guatemala, publicly announced this process of construction and the proposal, which includes eight lines that guarantee the development of communities focused on empowerment of women, who represent 95 percent of the beneficiaries of social programmes . The phrase “as a State policy that transcends the current government” is an indication of the importance of this initiative for strengthening the public policies of the government.