EUROsociAL represented cooperation between the European Union and Latin America in European Development Days 2015

The two debates and the stand the Programme participated in attracted nearly half a thousand participants

EUROsociAL's participation in European Development Days 2015 represented what cooperation between the European Union and Latin America means. And this was showcased in the two sessions in which the Programme shared its experiences with a large audience, members of which also visited the Programme's stand during the two days of European Development Days, considered the flagship event of European Development Year 2015. 

The main event for EUROsociAL was its session on the Euro-Latin American dialogue on policies for social cohesion which practically opened EDD. In front of a packed room and an expectant audience, Clarisa Hardy and Ramón Jáuregui—with Fabián Repetto moderating—led an intense dialogue on social cohesion in Europe and Latin America, public policies that address this challenge, and the effects of the crisis in both regions with respect to inclusion and social inequality.

The Project Lab (the name given by EDD to this session) was divided into three parts. In the first block, there was an audio-visual presentation to share the social and economic diversity of Latin America, its dynamism and its contrasts. At this point, Clarisa Hardy stressed that in Latin America "70% of the population has left poverty but remains in a situation of vulnerability", a reality that the countries must address.

The main block included the participation of the public, both through the #EDD15 hashtag and by those present. Thus, common problems facing both Latin America and Europe, and the solutions or responses on both sides of the Atlantic were put on the table. Along these lines, Jáuregui stated that "in Latin America there is a need for fair and progressive taxation as in Europe".

Lastly, Repetto guided the debate towards how EUROsociAL, a programme financed by the European Union, works, eliciting reflections on the part of the participants, some of whom were related to the Programme, and other opinions from external actors which enriched this highly interesting debate.

EUROsociAL continued its participation in the debate sessions with the presence of EUROsociAL Director, Inma Zamora, in the joint debate with the ODI and DIE think tanks and the World Bank on inequality. In the case of EUROsociAL, the debate centred on its responses in Latin America. Also in front of a full house, Inma Zamora offered examples of how EUROsociAL supports various Latin American governments in the reform of public policies that build more cohesive societies.  The support for policies in areas such as tax reform in Paraguay, transparency in Colombia, disability in Honduras and regional development in Costa Rica were some of the practical cases presented.
The debates continued at the stand located in the "village", which received numerous visits, both to browse using the interactive kiosk and to participate in the video-call organised to collect testimonials from visitors.

EDD 2015 brought a close to the event with numbers such as 5000 participants, 90 debates, 50 stands, and multiple exchanges between young international leaders selected for this event, public institutions, and civil society and private organisations. All that remains now is to wait for "eudevdays 2016".

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