Peru shares its experience with Paraguay in the area of voluntary compliance

The objective of the action was to learn about Peru's model for remuneration and incentives linked to compliance with institutional goals and objectives

The EUROsociAL II cooperation programme of the European Commission, through its operational partner, the CIAT, sponsored the visit of an expert from the Peruvian Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) to the Paraguayan State Undersecretariat of Taxation (SET) on 27th and 28th November 2014.

On the first day of meetings, the SUNAT expert gave a comprehensive presentation of the model, from formulation to implementation, to the entire managerial level of the SET. On the second day, working groups were organised with the different areas of the SET involved in the project, and workshop-type meetings were held to address the operational aspects of the model.

The exchange visit came about as a result of the request submitted by the beneficiary countries to the EUROsociAL II Programme within the framework of the "Voluntary Compliance with Tax Obligations" action of the "Public Finance Area", coordinated by the FIIAPP, whose operational partners are the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT), the Spanish Institute of Tax Studies (IEF) and the Inter-American Centre for Tax Administrations (CIAT). 

From here on out, the CIAT will monitor the progress, requests and interests of the EUROsociAL II Programme's beneficiary tax agencies in order to go forward with new activities to support voluntary compliance.