Nicaragua advances in the incorporation of forensic experts in the implementation of the regional protocol for investigation of gender violence

In addition to 25 forensic experts, members of the Nicaraguan forensic police participated, and very specific aspects of sexual assault and the chain of custody for these types of crimes were addressed

For two and a half days, from 2nd to 4th July, the Course on Investigation of Gender-Based Violence Crimes for forensic experts was held in Managua. Nicaragua is the first country participating in the EUROsociAL action Fight Against Gender Violence to incorporate implementation of the regional protocol for investigation of these types of crimes and its national adaptations into the forensic body.

This same EUROsociAL action is promoting its adoption by all the forensic medicine institutes of Latin America through the Latin American Network of Forensic Medicine Institutes (IMLs) and Forensic Sciences in 2015 with the development of a specific guide to enable forensic experts to implement the regional investigation protocol.

The training materials used in this course and the rest of those included in the action comprise six teaching modules created by Miguel Lorente, Medical Examiner and Training Director for the action. These materials are being adapted to enable them to be taught using the train-the-trainer methodology so that they can be replicated by professional schools, training centres and institutions that are part of the investigative itinerary.

This activity is managed by COMJIB and financed by EUROsociAL, the cooperation programme of the European Union.