The Receita Federal do Brasil seeks to expand channels for taxpayer assistance with the support of the EUROsociAL Programme

A technical assistance mission was carried out on the use of mobile devices for providing taxpayer assistance

With this objective, Brazil's Receita Federal (RFB) received experts César Luis Perales and José Vicente Vázquez, from Mexico's Tax Administration Service (SAT), and Marcos Romero, from Bolivia's National Tax Service (SIN), at its headquarters. The purpose was to exchange experiences related to policies for using mobile devices for taxpayer interaction in the interest of promoting their creation and implementation in the Receita Federal. The participants from the Receita Federal included Walkyria Satyro Trindade, Head of the Third-Party Assistance Division; Antonio Henrique Lindemberg, General Coordinator of Tax Assistance and Education; and Octavio Lira Maia Martins, Head of the Assistance Projects Division.

The RFB, in its strong commitment to electronic administration, is already using mobile platforms, mainly in the areas of collection, customs and land registry, and it is currently developing an application for scheduling taxpayer assistance appointments, especially in relation to new mobile platforms.

The Receita expressed its interest in learning about the policy for using mobile devices in interaction with the taxpayer by other countries in the region, such as the tax agencies of Mexico and Bolivia, in order to promote their creation and implementation in the Receita.

The methodology followed was for Mexico and Bolivia to share with Brazil their experiences in terms of background and methods for delivering services for mobiles to taxpayers, as well as the architecture and security elements involved in their implementation. This knowledge exchange will make it possible for the Receita Federal to further the process of expanding taxpayer assistance mechanisms, especially in relation to new mobile platforms, in which it is currently immersed.

This activity is part of the Voluntary Compliance action of the Public Finance area of the EUROsociAL II Programme, which is financed by the European Union and coordinated by the FIIAPP, in which Spain's State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) and the Inter-American Centre for Tax Administrations (CIAT) are acting as operational partners.