

The Inter-American Social Protection Network (IASPN) is a practice community of national social development ministries and agencies, in collaboration with international organisations, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and academia, for promoting the exchange and transfer of social protection experiences and knowledge.

ILO Latin America and Caribbean

Regional office of the ILO for Latin America and the Caribbean. Its mission is to contribute to the main goal of the organisation of promoting opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work under conditions of liberty, equality, safety and human dignity.


Central American Integration System (SICA in its Spanish acronym), institutional framework for Central American regional integration created by Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.  It is a cross-cutting coordinating partner of EUROsociAL II.


German development agency. It is a cross-cutting coordinating partner of EUROsociAL II.


Brazilian School of Public Administration. This is a government school of the federal executive branch which offers training in the area of public administration to federal civil servants. A partner of the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (ENAP in its Portuguese acronym) and a government school, it is cross-cutting coordinating partner of EUROsociAL II.


The Colombian Presidential International Cooperation Agency leads the country's international cooperation efforts through coordination, strengthening and diversification of supply and demand, in synergy with the different stakeholders, to contribute to sustainable development and the positioning of Colombia in the world. It is a cross-cutting coordinating partner of EUROsociAL II.

Expertise France

Expertise France, is the French international technical expertise agency. It is the product of the merger of 6 public agencies: ADECRI, Adetef, FEI, GIP Esther, GIP International and GIP SPSI. It is a coordinating partner of EUROsociAL II in the Justice and Citizen Security areas.  


Italo-Latin American Institute, an organisation at the service of collaboration between Italy and Latin America, and a Permanent Observer at the UN General Assembly. To carry out its activities, it collaborates with inter-governmental bodies, institutions and specialised entities concerned with Latin America: European Commission, UNESCO, Inter-American Development Bank, Organization of American States, Latin American Integration Association, Latin American Economic System, Ibero-American Secretariat-General, Central American Integration System, etc. It is an operational partner of EUROsociAL II in the Education, Employment and Social Policies areas.