
Peru participates in seven thematic areas (Social Policies, Health, Employment, Public Finance, Democratic Institutions, Decentralisation, and Justice) and in 15 actions. In some of these it is making significant advances, including the following:

  • Support to the Ministry of Labour in the process of implementing a network of Single Points of Contact for Promotion of Employment.

  • Support to the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion in the review and improvement of the integration between monetary transfers and programmes for the productive development of poor families and communities.

  • Support to CEPLAN for creation and approval of the General Directive on the Process of Strategic Planning in the National Strategic Planning Framework System.

  • Approval by the High-Level Anti-Corruption Commission of a draft law on the criminal responsibility of legal persons.

  • Support to the National Prison Institute (INPE) in the development of prison-based occupational and vocational training activities in the country and relationships with private companies to favour socio-occupational reintegration of incarcerated persons to lower recidivism levels.

Among "triangular" cooperation processes, the role of Peru as a donor is notable, through its Ministry of Economy and Finance, which has shared its experience with results-oriented Programme-Based Budgeting with Colombia in the course of this country's budget reform. 

Highlighted experiences


