Regional development and territorial cohesion

The territorial focus not only involves compensating less developed regions for their disadvantages but also improving the growth and competitiveness of each of them, thereby increasing welfare levels and improving living conditions for the people living in the territory. As the European experience has demonstrated, territorial cohesion is a strategy that boosts development. 

This line of action aims to support countries in the establishment of national policies for regional development. EUROsociAL is responding in a flexible and gradual manner, adapting to the pace and maturity of these processes in each country by supporting the development of: 

  • regulatory frameworks that sustain regional development processes, or strategic frameworks that provide an overall and long-term view;
  • mechanisms (of governance) and instruments of consensus and coordination between different levels of government to guarantee the effectiveness of State intervention; 
  • planning (operational) and management instruments that implement government policies, making it possible to effectively allocate resources, properly administer their utilisation and produce quality goods and services.

The action focuses on urban areas as a key for advancing towards more balanced and harmonious territorial development, promoting the urban dimension of regional development. This action also has a strong regional component. Support is being provided, jointly with the OCDE Development Centre and ECLAC, to the Latin American Network of Public Policies for Regional Development (RDL - LAC). This Network, led by Brazil, is intended as a permanent platform for policy dialogue between countries in the region, with collaboration mechanisms and spaces for discussion.

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