
Supporting advances that improve the opportunities for young people so as to promote social inclusion

Social cohesion of societies requires social, economic and political inclusion of young people in countries, and this involves access to social services, employment and social protection, as well as to spaces for participation and engagement.

Although Latin America today has the largest generation of young people in its history with greater access to education and information than ever before, this is also the generation with the lowest access to employment and participation, which carries serious risks of social exclusion.

EUROsociAL never loses sight of the importance of the needs of young men and women for the present and the future of  Latin America, or of the capacity of public policies to drive effective progress that improves their opportunities so as to promote social cohesion.Along these lines, the programme collaborates by supporting policies and initiatives of the region's governments which contribute to improving the inclusion of young people in society and the defence and recognition of their rights and interests, and to building more cohesive societies in the future.

The programme has supported policies and initiatives of the region's governments, focusing its efforts mainly on the action areas most directly related to youth policies: on the one hand, the areas of justice and citizen security in terms of both access to law and attention to young people in conflict with the law and prevention of violence; on the other, educational initiatives for preventing early school leaving and specific promotion of youth employment.

Sheet on EUROsociAL youth politics

Remarkable documents