Promoting impact analysis in the public policies of Ecuador

From 23rd to 27th March 2015, within the framework of the European Commission's EUROsociAL II programme, the second phase of the workshop on quantitative methods of assessing the impact of budget programmes was held.

This activity benefited from the participation of representatives of the Ecuadoran National Secretariat for Planning and Development (SENPLADES in its Spanish acronym) and Ministry of Finance, and the technical advising of Spanish expert Joaquín María Núñez Varo, Analyst in the Assessment department of ICEX, the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade, a public agency.

It involves promoting the culture of impact assessment in budget programmes and reflecting on its importance through the problems that arise when there is a need for an effective assessment of a specific programme.

The first phase of this activity, carried out in October 2014, consisted of a training course for employees of SENPLADES and the Ministry of Finance on the impact assessment techniques that will be needed to implement Ecuador's strategic programmes in coming months.

In the second phase, the work methodology was organised through meetings and technical sessions in which the attendees were trained on the importance of analysis, the techniques, statistical sampling, and the organisation of the field work undertaken in the first phase.

The activity ultimately seeks effective assessment of three of Ecuador's strategic programmes: Support for the Universalisation of Basic Education Programme, the School Nutrition (PAE in its Spanish acronym) Programme, and the Human Development Credit (CDH in its Spanish acronym) Programme.

This activity is part of the budget-plan link and assessment action of the EUROsociAL Programme, which is being coordinated by the FIIAPP with the Spanish Institute for Tax Studies (IEF in its Spanish acronym) acting as an operational partner.


Images from the activity