Visit to Europe of a Delegation from Argentina

From September 21 to 25, 2015, a delegation from the Argentine Ministry of Industry visits Brussels and Italy

The goal of the visit of exchange, which is organized in the framework of the technical assistance of the EU-funded programme EurosociAL, is to give an overview of the most efficient territorial cooperation models implemented in Italy.

After a coordination meeting in Brussels, the delegates head for the Italian towns of Gorizia, Udine, Trento, Bologna and Faenza where they have the opportunity to learn about models and initiatives of territorial development in various spheres, such as urban development, entrepreneurship, research and innovation, industry, agricultural and food and wine resources. The agenda envisages on-the-spot visits to exemplary initiatives of local development.

The visit closes in Rome where the delegates are outlined the innovative programme of Italy’s Department for Development Policies and the development programme of Sardinia’s regional government.
