The EUROsociAL Programme supports Bolivia in the implementation of the regulation on transfer pricing

Technical advising mission to Bolivia's National Tax Service (SIN in its Spanish acronym)

The mission was led by Marcia Grostein, head of Uruguay's International Taxation Department of the Directorate-General of Taxes, and aimed to advise Bolivia in the establishment of Reporting Regimes for appropriate implementation of transfer pricing.

A transfer price is the price that two companies agree on to transfer goods, services or rights between themselves. This price is important in the context of taxation when the parties that set the price have ownership or management links between them ("related" or "linked" entities), which could mean that prices might not be set under the same conditions as by entities without these links ("third parties" or "independent entities").

Establishment of these reporting regimes will allow the Bolivian Tax Administration to collect important and needed information to identify cases with a risk of abusive manipulation of transfer prices, and to exercise proper control of international operations between related parties. It should be noted that Bolivia last year approved regulations that regulate transfer pricing: Law No. 516, the Investment Promotion Act of 4th April 2014; Law No. 549 of 21st July 2014; and Supreme Decree No. 2227 of 31st December 2014. The SIN is currently implementing the processes needed for their effective application.

This activity is part of the Voluntary Compliance action of the Public Finance area of the EUROsociAL II Programme, which is financed by the European Union and coordinated by the FIIAPP, in which Spain's State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) and the Inter-American Centre for Tax Administrations (CIAT) are acting as operational partners.