Brazil concludes the process of adapting the regional protocol for investigation of gender-based violence crimes

All the countries of the EUROsociAL Fight Against Gender Violence action have concluded this phase which encompassed the creation and approval of their own instruments for investigation with a gender perspective

With this, all the countries of the EUROsociAL Fight Against Gender Violence action, seven including Honduras which joined in 2015, will have concluded this phase which encompassed the creation and approval of their own instruments for investigation with a gender perspective and the training of key actors in the content of the instruments. EUROsociAL's experience in Brazil has run parallel to the process of adaptation of the United Nations femicide protocol, proceeding in perfect coordination and avoiding duplication and inconsistency in the instruments generated.

With the coordination of the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and the participation of the Public Ministry, the National Secretariat of Security and Women's Policy held the Course on Investigation of Gender-Based Violence Crimes from 6th to 8th July in Brazil in the auditorium of the National Council of the Public Ministry.

Through an open call for participants, 50 professionals were trained in this field. The presentations by the Brazilian and European experts will be available on the National Council of the Public Ministry website (

The training materials used in this course and the rest of those included in the action consist of six teaching modules created by Miguel Lorente, Medical Examiner and Training Director for the action. These materials are being adapted to allow them to be taught using the train-the-trainer methodology so that they can be replicated by professional schools, training centres and institutions that are part of the investigative itinerary.

This activity is managed by COMJIB as part of EUROsociAL, the cooperation programme of the European Union.