Defining and embarking on cross-border cooperation in Argentina

The key target of the entire action has been to strengthen a model of multi-level governance at the benefit of regional development and social cohesion

The nature of the thematic Priority “Decentralization and territorial cohesion” of the EU-funded Programme EUrosociAL implies that the topics tackled with the Argentinian partners, as well as the prioritization of the related specific aspects of national public policies, give rise to strategic and operational questionslinked to the economic and social growth of territories, in particular of the most disadvantaged ones.

With particular reference to the activities carried out in Argentina,  EUrosociAL has continued to deliver support given the need for technical assistance to the process of institutional and operational strengthening of the Mesa de Programas de Promoción de Desarrollo Regional. EurosociAL collaboration is directed to increasing the capacity of the Mesa to perform at territorial level, thus contributing to fostering methods in support of more efficient development.

The three territorial areas selected in Argentina by the Mesa de Programas(Provincia de Misiones, Ciudad de Mar del Plata, Provincia de Tucumán) are representative in terms of the implementation of the three public policies devoted to social cohesion and territorial development, such as cross-border cooperation, integrated and sustainable urban development, development in rural areas and in contexts lagging behind. 

Furthermore, EurosociAL intended to continue with analyzing the new legal and management tools on the basis of the experience gained by other Latin American regions and the European Union, so as to deliver an appropriate legal framework for the actions to be carried out in the border area. 

In particular, the most recent mission to the pilot area of the Provincia de Misiones - neighboring with Brazil (part of the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná) and Paraguay (departments of Itapúa and Alto Paraná) - had the objective to generate processes, and to design common tools of multi-level governance to ensure sustainability of joint policies and actions throughout the three bordering territories of the “región de las Misiones Jesuítico Guaraníes”.