Ecuador advances in the implementation of budgetary programmes in pilot ministries with the support of EUROsociAL

In 2013 Ecuador initiated a reform of the State Budget with the aim of improving the management of public finances through linking planning and budgeting

Since then, the country has advanced in the implementation of a results-oriented, programme-based budget by reviewing and refining budgetary programmes and their links to the strategic institutional objectives of the bodies that make up the public sector. This process was carried out by the Ministry of Finance and the National Secretariat for Planning and Development (SENPLADES), which were recently joined by the National Secretariat of Public Administration (SNAP).

From 27th to 31st July 2105, the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales carried out an expert advising mission in Quito. This involved meetings with representatives from the Ministry of Finance, SENPLADES and SNAP, to complete the plan-budget link process underway and redefine and adjust instruments, methodologies and regulations. Meetings were also held with representatives of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), as the pilot institution for the review of the entity's plan-budget link and definition of the elements that comprise the budgetary programmes of this institution: subsidiary programmes, deliverables, results, and indicators.  Representatives of the Ministry for the Coordination of Social Development (MCDS) also participated in the activity.

This activity is part of the Budget-Plan Link action of the EUROsociAL Programme, financed by the European Union; action line coordinated by FIIAPP, with Spain's Institute for Tax Studies and Uruguay's Office of Planning and Budget (OPP) acting as operational partners.