Ecuador improves transparency and access to public information

Such implementation was done with the help of EUROsociAL, which is a regional technical cooperation program of the European Union that supports public policies for Latin America

The Ecuadorian Ombudsman’s office now has a computer system that allows institutions to present their reports with the same format and send them through the institutional web page, which speeds procedures up, allows constant monitoring and is publically accessible.

The ombudsman’s office has the authority, according to the Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information (LOTAIP by its acronym in Spanish), to promote and monitor the compliance of the regulations.

“The Constitution establishes the Law of Access to Public Information as a human right. The Constitution content establishes the Organic Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information,” the ombudsman said.

According to official records, the general results obtained with this new system reflect the following: out of 1, 483 institutions obliged to comply with LOTAIP, 1,213- which represents 81,79 percent- have presented their annual report and 270- which represents 18,21 percent- have not done it yet.

Additionally, Rivadeneira notified that the Executive function has presented 86,89 percent of its reports, the Legislative function 100 percent as well as the Judicial and Function of Transparency and Social Control.

On the other hand, Decentralized Autonomous Governments have complied with 85,11 percent, the voting power with 66,67 percent and other public institutions with 67,82 percent.

Finally, it was indicated that the ombudsman’s office emitted the resolution 007 which is registered in the Official Record since February 7, 2015 and states that all institutions should create a Committee of Transparency that generates and updates information in its web pages monthly.

The ombudsman’s office explained that 150 institutions have already confirmed their creation of such committees.

One of the main objectives of the ombudsman’s office is to promote and monitor the access to public information provided by public and private institutions which administer public funds at a national level, with the aim of adequately presenting information that citizens should know of. The Organic Law of Transparency is currently in force since 2004.

Rivadenira pointed out that these new process of registration has allowed to quickly obtain detailed information, something that has been done by hand in the past.


Agencia Pública de noticias del Ecuador y Suramérica ANDES