The European Union and Honduras join forces to boost employment

The action will reach the outskirts of cities to guarantee access to employment by all Hondurans and to develop the strengths of its inhabitants locally.

European Union Representative (EU) Melba Hernández revealed at a round table in the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security (STSS) that “promotion and generation of decent jobs” is the priority of her institution, and that this coincides with the objectives of President Juan Orlando Hernández.

The meeting, attended by the Director of the National Vocational Training Institute (INFOP) and representatives of the EUROsociAL cooperation programme of the European Union, was held at the STSS to define a framework for technical assistance with the aim of promoting employment for Hondurans.

In this line, there is a proposal for training institutions like INFOP, and institutions for labour intermediation and job placement like the Honduran National Employment Service (SENAEH), of the STSS, to work together to guarantee that trained workers are ensured dignified jobs.

The EUROsociAL team, made up of Jonathan Eskinazi, Giuseppe Bartone and Jorge Piqueras, concluded a first round of work which lasted one week. Among their recommendations is complete coordination of intermediation by the SENAEH, among others, which together with effective training, would prepare Hondurans to perform a job.

For his part, Deputy Minister Ramón Carranza Discua thanked the participants for their work and collaboration, and emphasised that a policy exists in this government to favour employment, which will change the lives of Hondurans. This will be done in part with the invaluable support of the European Union. “Our goal is for Hondurans to have a better life”, he stressed.

Source: Honduran Secretariat of Labour and Social Security.

Secretaría de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de Honduras