Raising awareness of rights, guidance, and legal assistance

Access to law represents the preliminary phase in access to justice, and it is understood to mean the real possibility rights holders have to demand effective protection of their rights. Under the rule of law, it is essential that equal access to rights, and subsequently to justice services, be guaranteed, especially for vulnerable persons who, for economic, social or educational reasons, have greater difficulty knowing and exercising their rights.

EUROsociAL supports efforts on the part of the countries of the region to consolidate their public policies for access to law through application of the 100 Brasilia Rules by means of two lines of work: 

  • Guidance and legal assistance to guarantee access to rights to bring justice services to vulnerable populations. The programme supports public policies that provide new and essential services to populations that lack access to the judicial system. 
  • Raising of awareness of rights to ensure that these populations effectively know their rights and can claim them, and so that institutions incorporate into their policies this clear component for making access to rights viable. 

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