EUROsociAL promotes coordination between the Honduran Secretariats of Labour and Social Security and of Development and Social Inclusion for youth employment

This will ensure that young people continue to receive government support to stay in the education and vocational training system and/or enter the labour market

Following the workshop for inter-agency analysis of the study conducted by EUROsociAL on “School-Work Transition of Youth Participants in the Bono Vida Mejor (BVM) Programme of the Central District” (Tegucigalpa, 20th July), Vice Ministers Zoila Cruz and Ramón Carranza, of the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security (STSS) and the Secretariat of Development and Social Inclusion (SEDIS), respectively, supported the proposals contained in this study, agreeing to establish a preferential access channel for:

  • Young members of families currently using or no longer covered by the Bono Vida Mejor (conditional cash transfer programme) who have completed ninth grade and are neither in school nor working, or are working under extremely precarious conditions. They will participate in one of the three STSS employment programmes (Con Chamba Vivís Mejor, Chambita, Chamba comunitaria) and/or in courses at the National Vocational Training Institute (INFOP).
  • Young people no longer covered by the BVM who are continuing their studies at the secondary level and are at risk for dropping out of school. They will participate in INFOP courses (without detriment to the latter, the priority will be keeping them in school).
  • Mothers (first priority) and fathers who are Bono Vida Mejor users and have children who are in their first thousand days of life and prioritised for the early childhood policy. They will participate in one of the STSS employment or temporary employment programmes.

This will ensure that young people in families that no longer receive the BVM continue to receive government support to stay in the education and vocational training system and/or enter the labour market. The extension of “preferential access” to mothers with children under three years of age, proposed by the SEDIS, also represents an important help for women whose participation in the labour market is affected by childcare duties that fall primarily on them.

In coming weeks, and with the ongoing assistance of EUROsociAL, programme funde by European Union, the two secretariats will prepare the top-level agreement (presidential) for formalising their collaboration, which will also include the Secretariat of Education and the INFOP. The activity was led by Italia Lavoro, with the collaboration of the CISP.

IILA / Italia Lavoro