Experiences, achievements and challenges in citizen security and violence prevention policies in Latin America and Europe
First conference on urban security ever organised in Panama
Experiences, achievements and challenges in citizen security and violence prevention policies in Latin America and Europe
First conference on urban security ever organised in Panama
Supporting the launch of the social and vocational integration service for young offenders in Panama
EUROsociAL is lending technical support to the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IEI, in its Spanish acronym) of the Panamanian Ministry of the Interior for the social and vocational integration of adolescents and young people in prison
Technical assistance in Panama for the creation of a Social and Vocational Integration Service for adolescents in conflict with the law
The creation of this service will serve as a connection between the adolescents deprived of liberty and the employing businesses or organizations
Progress on the validation of a protocol for comprehensive attention against gender violence in Panama
The protocol establishes action guidelines across 4 institutional sectors: justice and security, health, education and social services
Fourth regional workshop on «social-labour reintegration of prison inmates»
The conference was attended by the heads of Latin American prison administrations of: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay
Formation of the Commission for Monitoring Interconnected Networks for improvement of inter-agency coordination in the fight against corruption.
On 23rd and 24th March, in Panama City, the First Meeting of the Commission for Monitoring Interconnected Networks for improving inter-agency coordination in the fight against economic-financial crimes linked to corruption
The government of Panama approves a coordination model for stakeholders in violence prevention
The European Union's EUROsociAL Programme supports Panama's Ministry of Public Security (MINSEG) in strengthening its Country Strategy for Citizen Security
Los gobiernos latinoamericanos se comprometen a impulsar programas de inserción social de personas privadas de libertad con el apoyo de EUROsociAL
La Conferencia Ministerial sobre políticas penitenciarias en América Latina culminó con la firma de la Declaración de Costa Rica
Panamá avanza en la lucha contra la Violencia de Género
EUROsociAL promueve la validación de un protocolo para facilitar la coordinación institucional entre el Ministerio Público y la Policía en materia de Violencia de Género
Panamá adopta un Plan Estratégico para la reintegración socio-laboral de adolescentes en prisión
La validación del Plan es resultado de la colaboración prestada por el area de justicia de EUROsociAL a través de OIJJ en colaboración con el Ministerio de Gobernación de Panamá.