In October 2011, within the framework of the 21st Ibero-American Summit held in 2011, the Ibero-American Heads of State and Government tasked the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the Economic Commission for Latin American and Caribbean (CEPAL) with creating an Ibero-American Network of Tax Directors and Tax Policy Experts, an assignment that was later extended to the OECD Development Centre.
The purpose of this network is to support and facilitate work on tax policy, within the framework of State reform, in order to strengthen economic development processes.
Given the commonality between the objectives of the Network and of EUROsociAL, the Programme was invited to participate in November 2013. The goal of EUROsociAL is for the Network to serve as a regional means of channelling the support of the programme to the member countries in the area of strengthening their tax systems.